Source code for vms.managers

import datetime

from django.db import models
from django.db.models import F, ExpressionWrapper, DurationField, Sum

[docs]class TimeRecordQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
[docs] def with_deltas(self): """ Annotate the queryset to include a delta for each time record. Because computing a delta relies on ``time_end`` being present, time records that have not been completed are excluded. Returns: A queryset annotated such that each time record has a ``delta`` attribute containing the delta between the record's ``time_start`` and ``time_end``. """ expression = F('time_end') - F('time_start') wrapped_expression = ExpressionWrapper(expression, DurationField()) return self.exclude(time_end=None).annotate(delta=wrapped_expression)
[docs] def total_time(self): """ Get the total duration of the time records in the queryset. Returns: The total duration of the time records in the queryset expressed as a ``datetime.timedelta`` instance. """ aggregate = self.with_deltas().aggregate(sum=Sum('delta')) if aggregate['sum'] is None: return datetime.timedelta(0) return aggregate['sum']
TimeRecordManager = TimeRecordQuerySet.as_manager