Source code for vms.forms

import logging

from django import forms
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy

from vms import models

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ClientAdminInviteAcceptForm(forms.Form): """ Form to accept an invitation to become a client admin. """ def __init__(self, token, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.token = token self.invite = None
[docs] def clean(self): """ Ensure the provided token is valid. """ query = models.ClientAdminInvite.objects.filter(token=self.token) if not query.exists(): raise forms.ValidationError( _('The provided invitation code is invalid.'), ) self.invite = query.get()
[docs] def save(self, user): """ Accept the invitation with the provided token. Args: user: The user who is accepting the invitation. Returns: The newly created ``ClientAdmin`` instance. """ return self.invite.accept(user)
[docs]class ClientCreateForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Form to create a new client. Once the form is saved, a new client company is saved, and an email invitation to become an admin for the client is sent to the provided email address. """ admin_email = forms.EmailField( help_text=ugettext_lazy( 'The email address of the person who will be made an ' 'administrator of the new client.' ), label=ugettext_lazy('Admin Email Address'), ) class Meta: fields = ('name', 'email', 'phone_number', 'admin_email', 'notes') model = models.Client
[docs] def save(self, request=None, commit=True): """ Create a new client and send an email to the admin. Args: request: The request made to trigger the form save. commit: A boolean indicating if the created model should be saved to the database or not. Returns: The created client instance. """ admin_email = self.cleaned_data.pop('admin_email') client = super().save(commit) invite = models.ClientAdminInvite.objects.create( client=client, email=admin_email, ) invite.send(request) return client
[docs]class ClientJobCreate(forms.ModelForm): """ Form to create a new client job. """ class Meta: fields = ('client', 'name', 'pay_rate', 'description') model = models.ClientJob def __init__(self, client, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.get('initial', {}).update({ 'client': client, }) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['client'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
[docs]class ClockInForm(forms.Form): """ Form to clock in the requesting user. """ job = forms.ModelChoiceField(empty_label=None, queryset=None) def __init__(self, employee, *args, **kwargs): """ Instantiate the form to clock in a specific employee. Args: employee: The employee that will be clocked in. *args: Positional arguments for the base form class. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the base form class. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.employee = employee self.fields['job'].queryset = models.ClientJob.objects.filter( client=employee.client, )
[docs] def clean(self): """ Validate the form to ensure the employee is not already clocked in. """ if not self.employee.is_active: raise forms.ValidationError( _('Inactive employees are not allowed to clock in.'), ) if self.employee.is_clocked_in: raise forms.ValidationError( _('You are already clocked in.') )
[docs] def save(self): """ Save the form to create a new time record. """ record = models.TimeRecord.objects.create( employee=self.employee, pay_rate=self.cleaned_data.get('job').pay_rate, **self.cleaned_data, )'Created time record %r', record)
[docs]class ClockOutForm(forms.Form): """ Form to clock out an employee. """ def __init__(self, employee, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the form with an employee. Args: employee: The employee to clock out. *args: Positional arguments to initialize the form with. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to initialize the form with. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.employee = employee
[docs] def clean(self): """ Validate the form's data. Raises: forms.ValidationError: If the employee is not clocked in. """ if not self.employee.is_clocked_in: raise forms.ValidationError( _('You must be clocked in to clock out.'), )
[docs] def save(self): """ Complete the employee's open time record. """ record = self.employee.time_records.get(time_end=None) record.time_end ='Completed time record %r', record)
[docs]class EmployeeApplyForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Form for applying an employee to a client company. """ class Meta: fields = ('client',) model = models.Employee def __init__(self, staffing_agency, user, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the form. Args: staffing_agency: The staffing agency to assign to the new employee. user: The user to associate with the new employee. *args: Positional arguments for the base form class. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the base form class. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.staffing_agency = staffing_agency self.user = user # Exclude any clients the user already works for self.fields['client'].queryset = models.Client.objects.exclude( employee__user=self.user, )
[docs] def save(self, commit=True): """ Save the new employee and attach the fields provided when the form was created. Args: commit: A boolean indicating if the created employee should be saved to the database. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: The created employee. """ employee = super().save(commit=False) employee.staffing_agency = self.staffing_agency employee.user = self.user if commit: return employee
[docs]class EmployeeApprovalForm(forms.Form): """ Form to link Employee to Supervisor """ supervisor = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=None) def __init__(self, employee, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['supervisor'].queryset = employee.client.admins.all() self.employee = employee def save(self, admin): self.employee.approve(admin) self.employee.supervisor = self.cleaned_data['supervisor']
[docs]class StaffingAgencyEmployeeCreateForm(forms.Form): """ Form to create a staffing agency employee. """ staffing_agency = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=None) def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the form with a user. Args: user: The user to apply to a staffing agency. *args: **kwargs: """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.user = user agencies = models.StaffingAgency.objects.exclude( employee__user=user, ) self.fields['staffing_agency'].queryset = agencies
[docs] def save(self, user): """ Create a new staffing agency employee. Args: user: The user to associate with the employee that is created. Returns: The newly created staffing agency employee. """ return models.StaffingAgencyEmployee.objects.create( agency=self.cleaned_data['staffing_agency'], user=user, )
[docs]class StaffingAgencyEmployeeApprovalForm(forms.Form): """ Form to approve a staff employee """ def __init__(self, employee, admin, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the form with the employee being approved and the admin doing the approval. Args: employee: The staffing agency employee to approve. admin: The staffing agency administrator doing the approval. *args: **kwargs: """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.employee = employee self.admin = admin
[docs] def clean(self): """ Ensure the employee and admin are associated with the same staffing agency. Returns: The cleaned data. """ cleaned_data = super().clean() if not == raise forms.ValidationError( _( "The staffing agency administrator may only approve " "employees who have applied to the same agency." ) ) return cleaned_data
[docs] def save(self): """ Approve the staffing agency employee associated with the form. """ self.employee.approve(self.admin)
[docs]class TimeRecordApprovalForm(forms.Form): """ Form to approve a time record. """ def __init__(self, time_record, approving_user, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the form with the time record being approved and the supervisor doing the approval. Args: time_record: The time record being approved. approving_user: The user who is approving the time record. *args: Positional arguments for the base form class. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the base form class. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.time_record = time_record self.approving_user = approving_user
[docs] def save(self): """ Create an approval for the time record associated with the form. Returns: The approval instance created for the time record. """ return models.TimeRecordApproval.objects.create( time_record=self.time_record, user=self.approving_user, )