Source code for vms.api.dialogflow

import logging

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone

from vms import models

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def clock_in(client_id, employee_id, project_id=None): """ Clock in an employee. Args: client_id: The ID of the client the employee works for. employee_id: The ID of the employee who is clocking in. project_id: The ID of the project the employee is working on. Returns: A response indicating the result of the clock in request. """ if not client_id: return 'What is the ID of the company you are working for?' if not employee_id: return 'What is your employee ID?' try: employee = models.Employee.objects.get( client__id=client_id, employee_id=employee_id, ) except models.Employee.DoesNotExist: return ( 'Could not find an employee matching the provided client and ' 'employee IDs.' ) if employee.is_clocked_in: return 'You are already clocked in. Please clock out first.' if not project_id: return list_projects(client_id) try: project = models.ClientJob.objects.get( client__id=client_id, id=project_id, ) except models.ClientJob.DoesNotExist: return ( f'Could not find job {project_id} at {}.' ) models.TimeRecord.objects.create( employee=employee, job=project, pay_rate=project.pay_rate, ) return ( f'Clocked in {} at {} to job ' f'{}.' )
[docs]def clock_out(client_id, employee_id): """ Clock out the employee with the provided information. Args: client_id: The ID of the client that the employee who is clocking out works for. employee_id: The ID of the employee to clock out. Returns: A string describing the result of the clock out request. """ try: employee = models.Employee.objects.get( client__id=client_id, employee_id=employee_id, ) except models.Employee.DoesNotExist: return ( 'Could not find an employee matching the provided client and ' 'employee IDs.' ) if not employee.is_clocked_in: return 'You are not clocked in, so no action was taken.' time_record = employee.time_records.get(time_end=None) time_record.time_end = return 'You are now clocked out.'
[docs]def list_projects(client_id): """ Enumerate the projects for a client. Args: client_id: The ID of the client company whose projects should be listed. Returns: A string message enumerating the projects. """ jobs = models.ClientJob.objects.filter(client__id=client_id) project_list = [] for job in jobs: project_list.append( f'{} - {}' ) projects = '\n'.join(project_list) return f'Select the ID of one of the following projects:\n{projects}'
[docs]def process(data): """ Fulfill a webhook request from Dialogflow. Args: data: The data received from Dialogflow. Returns: A dictionary containing the data to return to Dialogflow. """ intent = data['queryResult']['intent']['name'] params = data['queryResult'].get('parameters', {}) if intent == settings.DIALOGFLOW_INTENTS['CLOCK_IN']: client_id = params['clientID'] employee_id = params['employeeID'] project_id = params['jobID'] return { 'fulfillmentText': clock_in(client_id, employee_id, project_id), } elif intent == settings.DIALOGFLOW_INTENTS['CLOCK_OUT']: client_id = params['clientID'] employee_id = params['employeeID'] return { 'fulfillmentText': clock_out(client_id, employee_id), } logger.warning('Could not process unknown intent %s', intent) return { 'fulfillmentText': 'Could not understand request. Please try again.' }